Home page of location-based task management tool
Developed a homepage with both English and Japanese version.

MTN Rwanda commercial production
Produced a promotional video for MTN Rwanda as part of an influencer marketing initiative

Homepage for Manufacturing Technology Training Program
A German-based organization homepage creation specializing in manufacturing technology training.

Promotional video for VOD service
Creating promotional videos and designing content tailored to international audiences

Contributing to the Creation of New Year Cards Combining Rwandan Traditional Designs and Japanese New Year Card Culture
New Year Cards Featuring Traditional Rwandan Patterns

Solving Teacher Shortages with Mitsukarusensei - Developed Using Bubble's No-Code Platform
Involved in developing Mitsukaru Sensei, a job recruitment site for teachers and support staff specifically designed for public schools to address teacher shortages

Crowdfunding Landing Page for Emergency Contraceptive Pill Distribution
Landing Page in Japanese to promote donation campaign for introduction of Emergency Contraceptives and Sexual Education

Online medical diagnostic platform homepage
Created a website of Yapili, originating from the Netherlands, provides online diagnostic services in regions with healthcare worker shortages.

Spiral (Desktop Application)
App that help people find desired best spot

E-Clinic App UI/UX Design
A system that would allow personalized communication and easy appointment booking for each customer